May 14, 2012

Mount Rainier

The final full day of our trip we rented a van and drove up to Mt Rainier!  I went there when I was a kid but we went to the campgrounds and picnic areas, never up very high. This time we went to Paradise Park which is up pretty high!  I was not anticipating so much snow! In Seattle it was about 70 degrees that day so I was wearing flip flops! I felt pretty silly wearing them in the snow!

Mt Rainier off in the distance


Leah was so excited to see snow again!
This family from Texas has never seen anything like this before!

It was really bright from the sun reflecting on the snow!
Luckily this day the kids passed out on the car ride home since it was a long drive.  And then I thought this pic was funny. On top of a snowy mountain in the morning and then eating popsicles in the sun if the afternoon. :-)
Silly kids!
Our guests left the next morning.  We had a really fun time with them. We can't wait until their next visit!


  1. Wow the snow and mountains are gorgeous!

  2. What a fun day, and that is crazy about the weather!

  3. What a beautiful day to spend at the mountain!

  4. Beautiful! Mountains are full of fluctuating weather so I've learned. Glad you guys had fun!
