Jul 5, 2012

Happy 4th yesterday and Happy B-day to me today!

I hope everyone had an awesome 4th of July!  The 4th or 5th of July also usually means the first day of summer weather in Seattle, and this year was no exception. We actually have a about 5 big clear yellow balls in the forecast with no white clouds covering them :-). 

Yesterday we had a birthday celebration lunch for me with part of the family. 

We didn't have any plans for later that day which kind of bummed us out.  We knew we didn't want to go to any big fireworks shows with Leah or anything, but it would have been fun to have a big bbq or something. We will have to make sure to plan something for next year. 
So we just hung around in our backyard, ate leftovers, and let Leah try out some pop-its and sparklers for the first time!
She loved throwing down the pop-its!
Stomp on them, haha!
Fireworks are too loud!

Sparklers are fun!
Only 27 days until my due date!! 
We put Leah to bed at her normal time and despite LOUD fireworks around our area that lasted until around midnight, she slept through it! Phew! Dustin and I went outside to watch some coming from a nearby park and then we watched the local fireworks show on TV.

Today is my birthday - 31 yikes!  I soooo do not feel that age!  Dustin was bummed that he had to go to work today but my mom is coming over in a little while and we are going to the park for a picnic in the sunshine!


  1. Happy birthday!! I actually know four other people who share your birthday.

    And woo hoo to your almost due date.

  2. Happy Birthday! I can't believe you only have 27 days left, you look GREAT!

  3. She is so cute! And happy birthday my friend!

  4. You look so good. You are almost done. Wow.

  5. Happpyyy birthdayyy! I love Leah's outfit and hair do dad thing. 27 days until your due date? I swear just yesterday you announced your pregnncy. Then again I'm not the one eight months pregnant in July. I'm sure you feel like it's been forever! Or maybe not. I really, really enjoyed being pregnant.

  6. Ps, you don't look a day over 25!

  7. Happy Birthday!!! You look so cute with your sparkler belly. I can't believe only a few short days left!

  8. Hope you had a great 4th of July! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow my preppy blog. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!

  9. Happy 31st birthday Kristin, you look awesome btw with only 27 days to go! That is going to fly in and you will have a baby boy in your arms before you know it :)
    Love the pics, Leah looks like she is enjoying herself in these pics too!

  10. Happy belated birthday to you! I sure loved the sunny weather on the 4th!
