Aug 16, 2012

He is here!

Carter Layne was born August 15 at 5:26am weighing 7lbs 5oz and 21 inches long. 

Getting checked out by the midwife. He is perfect!

About 2 hours old! Getting ready to leave the birth center and go home!

Leah meeting her little brother for the first time!
Birth story to follow but I was able to give birth to him 100% naturally at a birth center with the help of a midwife (and my hubby of course :) So thankful that everything ended up going exactly like we had planned and hoped.  Since he was 15 days past his due date, we were facing a possible hospital induction. Phew, he came right in the nick of time!


  1. Congratulations!!! Love his name:) Looks like Leah is already a great big sis!

  2. AWWWW! congratulations. he is perfect! Love the name you chose!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy and excited for you, what a beautiful baby boy :)
    Welcome to the world Carter!! Wow he took his time wanting to come out didn't he? And you are AMAZING going home after 2 hours? Wow, good job Kristin!!!
    I just bet Leah LOVES him, she will make a great big sister xoxo

  4. YAY!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!!

    So happy to hear everything went as planned. He's adorable and I love his name.

    Happy snuggles, mama!

  5. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEE his name. Really, that is a wonderful, strong name Kristen. I am so happy he's here! I am really happy that everything went the way you intended.

    Can I just say OMG you look amazing. I really don't know how you look so good hours after giving birth but you really, truly look fabulous. I cannot wait to hear the full story. Congrats to you and your family on the beautiful new addition!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on little Carter!! I can't wait to hear the birth story and can I just agree with Sean Marie how wonderful you look 2 hours after giving birth?! So jealy!

  7. YAYAYA!! wonderful news!! He is just beautiful and I love his name!! So so happy for you guys!!!! And you look fantastic mama!! Leah looks like a natural big sis too! Have a fabulous weekend with your beautiful baby boy!!!

  8. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy! His name is perfect! I love the way it sounds, so strong like a movie star! Your little girl is so beautiful too and looks so happy to be a big sister, I bet she is going to be so great with him! Beautiful family, I cannot wait to see more pictures!!!
