Aug 3, 2012

Still Preggers......

Yep we still haven't met our boy yet. I guess both Leah and this baby got super cozy in there and don't want to come out until they are good and ready!  We are going on 4 days overdue now and I am going nuts.  Luckily I am not too overly uncomfortable, but the anticipation and the anxiety are killing me!!  I went into labor with Leah in the middle of the night, so every morning now when I wake up and nothing has started, I am bummed.  Of course this time could be different but we'll see.  Leah was born 7 days after her due date.  This time it is summer and we can get outside and do things but that doesn't really help my mind from being consumed by the fact that at any moment I could go into labor. 

The weather has been really nice the last few days and this weekend is supposed to be the hottest weather Seattle has had in 2 years,  the low 90's.  Thankfully we have AC and I am not super bothered by the heat. 

These are from a few nights ago. I took Leah's ball pit and filled it with water :-)

The water felt good on my feet :) I was one day overdue that day.
Today we went over to my mom's to go swimming at the pool in her new neighborhood.

Poor Leah definitely can sense that things are "off" right now. I hope once the baby is finally born we will all mellow out a little bit and settle into a routine fairly quickly. 

On another note - my hubby re-set a bunch of things on our computer and ever since then I haven't been able to figure out how to sign into my Google account and be able to comment on blog posts! It is really weird, I sign in and type up a comment but it doesn't show up! So, I have been reading all of your posts, I just can't comment right now. Hope I can get that figured out soon!!


  1. Dang! I was four days late with Natalie and I was so ready to have her. How did you go seven days with Leah? Did you go into labor on your own or were you induced? I was ready for them to pop my water a week before my due date. ;) Really though, hang in there and enjoy your days of being a one child mama. I'm sure chaos will be on your hands soon enough! Good luck and I cannot wait to meet your precious little boy. I know he'll be beautiful.

  2. Can't wait to hear the news!!! My first was 10 days overdue. I didn't mind. More time to get things done. Good luck!! :)

  3. I am with you girl! I am still pregnant and now officially going on 3 days overdue...and the anticipation is killing me too! I am so ready to not be pregnant and meet my new little boy! Here's to having a baby in the next few days!

  4. I bet you are so excited to finally meet the precious new addition! I can't even imagine your anticipation. What a great idea to fill the ball pit with water!

  5. Hmm this post was done on Aug. 3...perhaps he was a Seafair baby?!

  6. Wow I am thinking you have probably had your little man by now!! I can't wait to hear the news :) Leah looks like you in that pic of her sitting on the chair with her drink :)
    Good luck with it all Kristin xoxo
