Aug 11, 2012

Realllllyyyyyy Overdue

I am 11 days overdue now. I NEVER thought that I would still be pregnant right now! Soooooo frustrating and I have had a few mini meltdowns thus far.... :-(  It has been so hard to make plans or go anywhere since I feel like things could start happening at any time!  We have tried to keep busy though in the nice weather we have been having.

Yesterday I had a non stress test and ultrasound to check that baby is doing ok. Everything looked perfect, he is just super cozy in there I guess!  We have tried probably every single labor inducing trick in the book (except castor oil, I refuse to do that!) with no luck yet. My midwife has stripped my membranes (sorry if that is TMI) twice this week and also started me on 3 different herbs yesterday that are supposed to help naturally induce labor.  I honestly feel like this is never going to happen!! At an appt on Wed with the midwife she didn't seem overly concerned that I was this far overdue, especially since I was a week overdue with Leah.  And since I am planning a natural birth in a birthing center with a midwife, there has been zero talk of a typical hospital induction. I really hope it doesn't get to that point.  Tonight I went on a rigorous walk and felt like I was starting to have contractions after that, but nothing has been consistent.

We got to see his little face in the ultrasound and he is just too cute. Made me even more excited to meet him. Please please please baby boy, come out and meet us soon!!!


  1. Don't do the castor oil!!! Lol, if you do you will never forget the disgusting taste of it...
    Wow 11 days? I have been checking in everyday for your news and then figured with no post of late you may have been in hospital having him.
    You know it is inevitable, little man will be here any tick of the clock!! So excited for you and good luck with it all!!! xoxo

  2. Just thought I'd let you know that the number I had to type in for the verification on here was 11, so today/tonight's your night!!! :)

  3. Not to make you feel worse, but I cannot believe you're still pregnant!
