Feb 16, 2011

Finally Starting My Blog!

I have finally decided to start a blog!  This is something that I have been thinking about doing for a long time.  I have a bunch of blogs that I love reading, mostly of people I have never met, who live all over the country. I love hearing about other people’s lives, including their challenges and also joyful times. I don’t know if anyone would be interested in my life, but I aspire to inspire others with my, I guess, average life and experiences!  Since becoming a stay at home mom (read: Domestic Goddess) a year ago, I feel that I have a lot to write about and share.  And I think that my Facebook friends might be getting sick of hearing about Gymboree classes, play dates, Leah’s daily milestones, and seeing pictures of things like my new bedding and the silly heart shaped pancakes I made on Valentine’s Day!  And one of the main reasons is that I want to document all of these things for Leah to look back on when she is older!  I have the life (for the most part) that I have always dreamed of, but it has been much harder than I ever thought it would be. But an adventure that I wouldn’t trade for anything!!!! 


  1. Kristin, I am so glad that you started a blog and I will love reading all of it! I too am a domestic goddess, and I know the things that excite you, will excite me too! :) Here's to the journey of motherhood and all the cool things to blog about! :)

  2. You guys are a gorgeous family!
