Oct 18, 2012

Carter - 2 Months

My sweet baby boy is 2 months old!  We had his very first pediatrician appointment today.  He did so good (until the shots!) but his big sister was the doctor's helper and held her little brother's hand when he started to cry. He is now 10lbs 14oz which puts him a little below the 50th percentile for weight and he is in the 75th percentile for height! He is just perfect!

 I can't believe he is 2 months old! 
He is still a pretty mellow baby. He fusses if I leave him in his bouncy chair for too long (like, longer than 15 minutes or so!), and he cries when he gets overtired in the evening. We have been putting him to sleep when we go upstairs, but he is starting to show us that he wants to go to bed earlier and have more of a set sleep schedule.  For the last few weeks, Carter has been sleeping so well! Usually from about 10:30ish-4:00ish and then again from 4:30ish-7ish. It is awesome and makes such a big difference in how I feel during the day!  He is so smiley and is also starting to coo and "talk" to us! And he is discovering his hands and starting to try and move them to touch the hanging toys on his bouncy chair & activity mat.
We have been keeping really busy with Leah's dance class, kid's museum class, and other playdates & appointments. I love getting out of the house and being around friends, especially now that the weather is getting crappy and I can't just let Leah go outside to play.  Getting both kids fed, dressed, and out of the house is getting a little easier - it is all about timing!  The hardest thing to deal with when I am by myself is when both kids are crying and need me at the same time.
Now that we are settling into a new routine with our new family member, I need to get back to posting more of our everyday activities!
So in love!! 


  1. Yeah, another update! He's adorable. I can't believe it's been two months already.

  2. Happy 2 months to sweet little Carter!

  3. You look fantastic! And I just love his little striped outfit, just adorable!
