Apr 30, 2011

Craigslist & Popsicles

 That is a random title for a post - ha!

Craigslist is pretty amazing. Every single time we have put something on there to sell, we have had success. Yesterday we put our couch on the 'Free' section. And we instantly got a response from someone wanting to pick it up last night.

Here is Dustin being extra nice and giving the couch a quick vacuuming before the new owners came to pick it up -

I have to say, however, it kind of creeps me out to have strangers come to our home.  Especially after having the "Craigslist killings" not too long ago in our area.  When we have had small items, we go to meet the buyer somewhere. But in the last few weeks we have had larger items, a desk and the couch and there was no way for us to transport them ourselves.  It is sad that you have to be cautious about EVERYONE these days (or has it always been this way?). You just don't know if the seemingly nice person on the phone is going to be a psycho who will rob you.  :(

Everything turned out fine obviously.  And now we have NO couch!  But that's ok, we get to buy a new one, woohoo!  :)

I tried out my new popsicle maker today too.  Mai Tai popsicles!  YUM
I just used some ingredients that we had from making Mai Tais last weekend. But I already have millions of yummy (and Leah friendly) popsicle ideas swarming in my head. :)
Yeah, ummm, I probably should have measured but I didn't I just poured everything together and they turned out kind of strong.  Oh well! :)

 Dustin liked them! He ate three while sitting on a dining room table chair in the middle of our now empty living room while watching Ultimate Fighting, ha!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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