May 9, 2012

Seattle Tourists - First Few Days

We have been Seattle tourists along with our Texas family this week! I love acting like a tourist in my own city, it's fun!  Seattle is such a beautiful city and sometimes I forget how much there is to do here!

The first night they arrived we just stayed in while they got settled, ate pizza and made a fire in our new fire pit after the kids went to bed. 
Dustin and Josh
The next morning we went to Ride the Ducks! It was so much fun! Leah got a little cold toward the end but we all had a good time.

Having fun!
Dance dance!
View of Seattle from Lake Union
Sleepless in Seattle house

That night my M-I-L came over and we had dinner and then made s'mores in our fire pit! Yummmm!

The next morning we got up and went to the Seattle Aquarium! Post to follow...


  1. I didn't know you had TX family too!!! What fun :)

  2. Thanks for sharing! And one day, one day my friend, I am going to have myself a s'more!!!
    Enjoy your visitors and all the sightseeing :)

  3. OOOOH, the sleepless in seattle house. Super fun! :)

    Glad you guys are enjoying your new firepit. Now I want S'mores.

  4. Fun! I still have never been on the Ride the Ducks tour, but I want to go someday!

  5. I have yet to ride the duck!! My friends and I keep saying that we need to do it one of these days. Every time I see them they look like they are having so much fun!
