Jan 16, 2013

Carter - 5 Months

Carter was 5 months old yesterday!!

He celebrated by rolling over for the first time!! From his tummy to his back.  He is also starting to try and sit up! 

Continuing this month is his sleep being all over the place!  Two nights ago he was up every two hours. Then last night he slept 7 hours in a row. I never know what it will be!  Silly boy!

I love capturing sweet moments like this with the two of them interacting
Leah is starting to enjoy Carter more and more now that she can bring him toys to play with and he will react to her by smiling and laughing at her.

 We thought it was funny to see Carter with this doll that Leah got for Christmas. Hehe, almost the same size :-)
Carter still hasn't had anything other than breastmilk and I haven't even attempted to give him a bottle again since we went on our date at the beginning of December. I haven't needed to since I am just with him all the time.  He is growing like crazy lately!! Such a big boy compared to how little Leah always was!  I can't wait to see how much he weighs at his 6 month appt next month!
He is just so sweet. A little high maintenance with wanting to be held ALL.of.the.time.......But I know that this time will pass so quickly and I will long for the days when I could snuggle him all day so I am soaking it up. I still let him nap on me too :-) I have his whole life to get him on a set eating/sleeping schedule so for now, I am not worried about it!
 I could kiss his cheeks all day long :-)
Carter is very vocal and started saying "Bababababa...." I am trying to get him to make an "M" sound, but he is still working on it :-)  He also has a new growl sound that he makes which is so funny!
Happy 5 Month Birthday Carter Layne!


  1. AWWW! He's such a cutie, I just wanna hold him and kiss his cheeks. :) I'm glad Leah is getting more accustomed to being a big sis!

  2. He looks like such a happy baby! Too cute!

  3. Can't BELIEVE he's already 5 months Kristin! He is seriously so adorable. I'll be crossing my fingers you get more of those 7 hour sleeping nights!

  4. Gah - he is adorable. That grin!

    It seems like you are really rocking this two kids thing, mama! Go you! :)

  5. What a happy little guy! Love that pic with the Sophia too, I've heard from my friends that all their babies just love it! Seriously though - 5 months?! I feel like I was just reading about you waiting for him to come!

  6. Oh my gosh. He's getting so big already!

  7. He is so cute...and I love those cheeks!!!

  8. Hi Kristin!! Oh my gosh Carter has grown since I last checked in with you and what a cutie he is!! He must be loved and adored so much by his big sister Leah :)
