Apr 17, 2012

Do not say the following to a pregnant woman...

Being pregnant for my second time and having multiple pregnant friends, I thought I would compile a list of ridiculously rude things to say to a pregnant lady. Some of these might not bother some people, but they are my pet peeves. 

"Hey Fatty."  Yep I got this one at a family function.

"Are you SURE there is only one in there??" My teeny tiny friend who is 9 months pregnant and all belly has been asked this 4 times. Really people?

Similar to the last few but "You are HUGE!" is really a surefire way to make an already self conscious pregnant woman feel like crap.

"It is SOOOO hard going from 1 to 2 kids. Just wait!"  Gee thanks.  How is that helpful?

"Sleep and rest now while you can!"  Umm duh I am trying. Easier said than done, especially with a 2 year old.

"WHAT!?!?!?! You don't want an epidural? You are CRAZY!" It is a natural process people, our bodies were meant to give birth.  I have lots of opinions on this but I will leave it at that.

Since we had a girl first it was "So are you hoping for a boy this time!?" Uh no, we would just love a healthy baby. It actually really annoys me when people assume that you are hoping for the opposite sex, although I guess some people probably do.

"Do you have the name picked out?" Everyone asks this. We actually do but we aren't telling! It is hard enough for me and Dustin to decide on a name, and we do NOT want any other input thankyouverymuch. We didn't tell anyone Leah's name before she was born and it drove everyone nuts. You already know that there is a baby coming AND the gender, you can wait a few more months to hear the name.

And finally - DO NOT TOUCH my stomach unless you are my husband or daughter.  The baby is inside, doesn't know you are there, can't see you, and can't feel it. Please do not invade my personal space.

I am sure there are more that aren't on the top of my head.  Please share some of the crazy comments you have received!


  1. I never got really big with either of my pregnancies (probably cuz I'm so tall, the babies had more long ways to grow so I didn't grow out as much), but I still had one woman (a total stranger) who said, "When are you due? Oh my gosh you're huge!" I seriously could have slapped her! Usually people were surprised to hear how far along I was because when I was 9 months I could have passed for 6 months. I was very irritated with people's comments when I was pregnant!

  2. I get 'when are you going to try for a girl?' all the time. I can't stand it. It just doesn't matter! And 1 to 2 is an adjustment, but a beautiful one once those babies start loving each other. It is amazing!

  3. Great list!! Some people need to think before they speak :) And then, when baby does arrive, why do complete strangers think it is OK to touch your baby (especially their little hands) and pass on their germs?

  4. Ugh - I had a man tell me that I needed to have an epidural because it will make my husband's job easier. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

  5. Girl, don't even get me started. When I was pregnant I heard all the time how big I was getting. People would "jokingly" call me fat and it really did hurt my feelings. I had a meltdown at work and spent the afternoon sobbing because of a rude co-worker. As for the epidural comment, it goes both ways. Someone told me I shouldn't get an epidural and that pissed me off. It's a woman's choice whether she does or does not and it's no one's business. Fortunately I never got the unsolicited belly rubs from strangers. Everyone was pretty respectful in that department. I guess I just looked like a big, hormonal bitch and everyone knew not to go there! I always was annoyed when people told me to "sleep now, cause once the baby comes..." and I can imagine it's that much more annoying the second time around. Hang in there!

  6. Ha ha I can totally relate to this!

  7. OMG who called you fatty? Let me at them!!! Grrrrrr.

  8. Oh my gosh I seriously cannot believe the nerve of people! I always find the touching the belly one so odd!
