Apr 13, 2012

Random Phone Pics

I am so glad my phone has camera and video for when I forget my camera at home!

Here are a few pics from the last few weeks. The weather has been getting so much nicer! Still around 60 degrees but that temp plus sunshine equals very happy Seattleites.  We have been getting outside as much as possible lately!

The first few are from our walk to the playground one day last week.
 Leah loves exploring and picking up rocks and leaves and flowers.

I wanted to try putting curlers in Leah's hair for the first time! She actually let me put them in and it looked soooo cute!

 But then she pulled them out after about 20 minutes so her hair didn't get curly but had some nice body for a few minutes after :-)  We'll have to try again when she's a little older and will leave them in longer!
 A trip to the park on Monday. This girl LOVES playing in gravel, haha!
 And another trip to the playground today with Kim and Gracie.
 There was a nice lady there who gave the girls some pieces of bread to feed the ducks. Leah LOVED that!
 Leah and Gracie.
 Yesterday I went to put a load of laundry in the wash and when I came back I saw that Leah was in my makeup bag.  It was really cute to watch.

When I told her we are all done with makeup she said - "No, I getting ready still!!"  haha!

And then I got this video of Leah singing the alphabet song, in super speed :-)  and spelling her name.

Happy Sunny Friday!


  1. Those makeup pics are precious!!

  2. She always looks like she is so curious! What a smart and pretty little girl :)

  3. Ummm...the curler pictures are to die for! She is so stinking adorable:)

  4. She is such a doll! I love the curlers in her hair. Can't believe she let you put 'em in!
