Apr 4, 2012

Our Week So Far

This has been a pretty mellow week so far.  Monday was the really nice weather day so we had fun going to the playground for awhile.  The sun also gave me a huge energy burst and I got some cleaning and projects done around the house.  I still need to mop my kitchen floors though.....for some reason that chore is so daunting to me!  And I have started going through all of Leah's old baby clothes that I have been hanging onto in case I was going to have another girl.  Now that I am not, I am trying to donate and sell most of it. I found a kid's consignment store close to me and made $15 from a stack of dresses.  Not as much as I'd hoped, but more than if I had just donated them!  I am also going to put some things on Craigslist. It makes me sad, though, to let some of these things go! I will of course hold on to a few special items! 

Little Miss is really into going into the pantry to get her own snacks these days......
She was trying to be sneaky but she got caught! :)

 We tried out a Pinterest activity that I have seen over and over.....Mess free finger painting!
 She would touch the baggie and then look at her hands like, "What? They aren't getting messy!?"

 Drawing pictures in it with her spoon :)
 We also decorated a fun Easter bunny mask.
 Silly girl had her sunglasses on all morning while she played :)

We have also had a few playdates this week!  We are excited for a neighborhood Easter egg hunt on Saturday and brunch on Sunday!  I am hosting so I better finalize my menu!


  1. Man, I remember being pregnant. I had zero energy. Glad you got some chores done!

  2. Leah is so adorable :)
    Have a great Easter with her!!

  3. aw, so fun! My youngest loves the pantry too.

  4. mess free finger painting? FANTASTIC!!

    I love a girlfriend who rocks shades indoors. Go Leah!

  5. What a brilliant activity!! Pintrest is amazing! And I am loving this sunshine we've been having - much needed!

  6. That's a great idea, to put play dough into a plastic bag!
