Jul 18, 2012

Waiting for Baby

I have gotten to the point where I feel ready for the baby to arrive and I am wanting to be done being pregnant!

The baby's room is set up for the most part, but honestly since he won't be sleeping in there for probably several months, I am not worried about it.  I have the changing table/dresser set up for him with his clothes all ready and washed.  And I am pretty sure I have all the other newborn baby essentials. It is crazy how just in 2 1/2 years you can forget little details! 

The baby will be sleeping in our room in an arm's reach co-sleeper, so we have that ready too. Along with a diaper changing supply basket and super dim lamp set up for the middle of the night feedings and diaper changes.
Leah has been loving playing in it :)
Just needs to be hooked onto the bed now!
I got the infant car seat all clean and Dustin put in in the car last night!  It is weird seeing TWO car seats in the back of my car!

My friend Allison came over today and brought me the cutest gift ever!!
Love it!

It is really nerve wracking knowing that I could go into labor at any time now!  I kind of feel like it will be sometime next week but who knows?! 

Here are some random cute pics of Leah from the last week -
Leah LOVES her friends Gracie and Cameron
Having a snack with Big Bird
This was so cute, she wanted to help me cut up a pineapple so she went to get her little plastic knife :)
Driving her friend Emmy's Barbie car!
Last week we had a fun playgroup with sprinklers, little pools and popsicles! This picture cracks me up because the kids set up the chairs like this themselves along the slip and slide :)

Overall I really am still feeling pretty good, mostly extra tired and just want to meet my baby boy!!


  1. That last picture is hilarious. Kids are certainly entertaining.

    Hope your little man comes soon. Leah is about to be a big sister any time now. WOW!

  2. Come on baby! Isn't it amazing how much less you need for baby #2?? and Leah will seem like a giant when you bring that baby home. It is incredible. Hope you go into labor sooN!

  3. I can't wait to see the post that baby boy is HERE!!! Good luck:)

  4. I'm so excited! All that's left to do is wait, wait, wait. I think he'll be here next week too. Leah is going to be a great big sis. :)

  5. I am with you...I am ready to not be pregnant anymore...I think how much easier it will be to get around without having a big belly. I also am so curious to house this labor/delivery will go.

  6. Oh my, you are so close!!! It brings back so many memories for me and I am so thrilled for you! Leah is going to be beyond excited and little boys are so wonderful. I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet little guy. Enjoy the last couple of days/week with just Leah and wishes for a smooth, fast delivery! :)

  7. ahhhh! so exciting! do you have a name for him yet or is it a surprise?
