May 20, 2013

Carter - 9 Months

This cute boy keeps getting bigger, stronger and sillier every day!! This last month he has changed a lot I feel like. He is developing a funny personality and has also started throwing little fits if we take something away from him or something! And he is still SUPER attached to Mommy. Sometimes in the evening when he is really tired he will only let me hold him. I secretly love it :-)

He had his 9 month check up yesterday and is now 18 lbs 10 ounces! He still only breastfeeds and we have tried several new table foods as well.  More than purees we are doing small pieces of things for him to pick up. We do mostly fruits and veggies, and he has tried graham crackers and puffs. He now has 6 teeth! The top four and two on the bottom.

Mmm watermelon! He has a funny face but he really did like it!
This is a little embarrassing to admit, but Carter still gets lightly swaddled and sleeps next to me in the co-sleeper! He sleeps so well that way, I don't want to take a step backward! I have finally started putting him to bed earlier and getting a little me time.  Last night he only woke up once to eat between 7:30pm and 7am! It was great!  We do need to move him to his crib and wean him from the swaddle soon though :-)

Carter has been super scared of loud noises lately. The vacuum, blender, and even some of Leah's toys that make noise really freak him out. Poor guy :-)
Carter went "swimming" for the first time in our little blow up pool at Grammy's house! He loved it and got mad when I got him out!

Carter is obsessed with Leah. He loves watching her and playing with her and if he is ever crying, she does a "silly dance" for him that makes him smile.  I LOVE to watch them interact.
He reaches and grabs for anything and everything that is near him!! And he is strong!!
Leah loves that Carter is able to play with her more and more!
Carter is about to crawl any day! He is getting so frustrated that he can't quite figure it out. He will be on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. And he will kind of crawl around in a circle or push himself backwards, just can't go forward yet!  And now he is also starting to pull up on stuff. Only pulls up to his knees so far, not all the way up yet.

Happy 9 Months buddy!! 


  1. Oh my - time is flying. What a cute little man. Have you tried Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit? We used that to transition Taylor from swaddle to no swaddle and it worked magically!

  2. I bet he's crawling now!! He has grown up too fast, but what a cutie!! I love that side profile picture where he is pulling Leah's necklace. Leah looks like you (always!) and Carter looks like his daddy.
