May 9, 2013

I am so behind!

Once again I am so behind on posting all of the fun stuff we have been doing. So the next few posts will be a catch up from the last few weeks. 

We have had awesome weather, especially last weekend when it got into the mid 80s!! So we had our first trip to the beach park, first wading pool swim, first zoo trip, first trip to the Farmer's Market, and lots of outside playtime!

I will start with some pics of our friend Greyson's birthday party which was a few weekends ago. It was at Gymboree and SO much fun for the kids!  Leah LOVED her Gymboree classes when she was 1 (wasn't that just yesterday!!!?? sigh....)  I really hope I am able to do as many classes with Carter as I did with Leah!

Carter was able to get in on the fun! :)

Daredevil girl!! Climbing up and then jumping off stuff!

Very cute party!

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