Jun 26, 2012


Well it is technically summer, although it doesn't feel like it. It has been cloudy or raining for the last several days.  We had one nice day where is got into the low 70s last week, woohoo......I keep reading all of these other blogs of doing fun activities like swimming, etc. outside and I feel like I am missing out! 

Leah and Madeline had fun playing at the park/beach on the "nice" day last week.
Best friends!

A yellow flower, Mommy!
Her hair is getting so long. I am wondering when I will finally give in and take her for her first haircut....

Leah loves playing in the sand!

 Like I said the weekend weather sucked for the most part so we spent a lot of time inside. 
Watercolor paints!

She spent a good 30 minutes building "a castle" yesterday
Leah has really been testing us lately. I don't know if it is just her age or if she can sense the impending big changes that are coming to our family. She has been throwing screaming fits daily for no (apparent to me) reason. Sometimes I can't calm her down at all, even when I try to distract her with a toy or juice.  She hasn't been listening as well and is definitely trying to test boundaries with both me and Dustin. We have been doing time outs and then also having consequences like no show before bedtime. And I am not sure if she really gets the consequences for a certain action thing yet.  But it is just so weird because when she is in a good mood and calm we have these conversations that make me shocked at how bright and observant of everything she is. She will even tell me that she threw a fit earlier, but when she is in the middle of one, there is no communicating with her. UGH Today we went to the library to pick out some books and she was running around, not listening so we had to leave. She would not even let me strap her into her carseat it was so embarrassing!!!  I can't wait until this tough phase is over.  I am so tired from being almost full term pregnant that it is just making it all more exhausting and upsetting (especially since I can't unwind in the evening with a glass of vino ;-).  Because besides all that, Leah is so sweet and funny and happy most of the time!


  1. Don't we always wish for what we don't have? It's supposed to be 108 degrees here on Thursday...the low 70's sounds amazing! Haha but I understand you're ready for real summer! Leah is looking as cute as ever and I really hope this little phase passes soon. Hang in there mommy!

  2. One of the things I've learned since blogging is that the PNW doesn't get great weather until July. That's insane.

    Also, I'm sorry you're going through the tough patch with Leah. I have to imagine it comes with her age and has nothing to do with her. And on the bright side, she is one helluva castle builder! :)

  3. They always know the perfect time to drive us crazy...like someone else said hopefully it is just a phase and it will be gone soon. I know I am running out of energy this last month of pregnancy. Loved the pics of the girls!

  4. I'm sorry you are going through a tough time. I'm not a parent but I have a feeling it's just a stage. You seem like a great mom and family so I'm sure it will pass soon enough!

  5. Leah is no different to anyone else's child so don't you feel embarrassed one single bit Kristin!! It's hard even when you aren't pregnant, you have it tougher at the moment because you are. It will pass, then come again, then pass and so on...It's normal, frustrating, but age appropriate :)
    I was going to say how long her hair had gotten but you beat me to it!
