Apr 22, 2013


On Sunday we went to Mount Vernon to see the Skagit Valley tulip fields! We hadn't been in several years and I thought it would be a fun family day trip.  The weather was supposed to be ok, but it was raining off and on and pretty chilly but we decided to go anyway.
Pretty daffodils

Leah was not in the mood to smile for pictures. In this one I said "DON'T look at me!!" :)

Someone offered to take our picture and this was the best we got :)

Waiting for the tractor trolley to take us around the tulip fields!

Leah loved the tractor ride! Carter was cold and fussy.....

Leah kept trying to smell the flowers... :)

Leah taking a nap these days is hit or miss. She still naps most days though. Yesterday she skipped nap because we went to a birthday lunch for my mom and bro and then we were running errands. Today we didn't try to get back home in time for nap and this was Leah on the way home....She literally hasn't fallen asleep in the car in over a year or maybe more!! She slept for a little over an hour, and even stayed asleep while Dustin and I stopped half way home to use the bathroom and grab something to eat!
I now have 3 vases of tulips around my house. :-) They will look beautiful when they bloom!!

It was a fun family day!!!


  1. I love the tulip festival! We didn't make it up this year but hopefully next year. Hope you guys are enjoying the sun! :)

  2. You were in my neck of the woods! I have lived here all my life and have only visited the tulips a few times. I really wanted to take my kiddos this year, but there was so much going on.
