Feb 17, 2012

One Year Blogiversary!

Wow I have been doing  my blog for a whole year. I am so happy that I decided to start it.  I only wish I would have sooner! It has been so much fun for me to document our daily lives and Leah's milestones. I know that I will LOVE looking back on it one day.

Thank you to all my readers, you are all so great!  I absolutely love getting all of your sweet comments!!

We are so glad to have Dustin home from his business trip to Boston.  I am so glad he only travels for work a few times a year. I really don't like being alone.  Luckily I planned so many activities to keep us busy while Dustin was gone, it went by pretty fast!

I took a lot of iphone pics this week so I will share a few...

We have a new tradition that after going to her toddler discovery class on Thursdays we go get smoothies and a snack and walk around the mall.  Leah loves her little mini smoothie.  Next week is the last class though and then we will be starting swimming lessons!

We had a little sunshine for a few hours the other day so Leah got a chance to try out her new trike outside! She was sort of getting the hang of using her feet on the pedals.

 Here is another example of my daredevil girl - Pics are from my phone so are a little dark and blurry...She pushed her slide into the kitchen and next thing I know, she is in her highchair!  She is quick!!
I have been really into eating vegetarian lately.  I have never liked meat, but always ate (gagged down) chicken because it is everywhere and I feel like everyone I know eats meat and I felt like I should probably be getting the protein.  But now I am realizing that I don't need to get protein from meat. So, I have been buying lots of veggies and grains and experimenting and also looking for new recipes.  I am not going to label myself as a vegetarian though because I still will most likely eat meat from time to time.
Here is what I made tonight - Mixed veggie stir fry with cashews over pearled couscous.  I thought it turned out really yummy even though it doesn't look that pretty. :-)

Well TGIF, have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Leah is a cute & clever little thing!! I totally agree with you on the meat thing too Kristin!
    Happy one year blogiversary, so glad to have found your blog :)
