Jan 5, 2012

Costco Run

I used to work for the architecture firm that designs and builds Costcos. Anytime someone was going to make a trip to either the corporate offices or the store, they would say "I'm doing the Costco run" (I ended up being this person a LOT since I liked getting out of the office so I would always volunteer.)  Random memory. :-)  But anyway, that is what Leah and I did today. 
Leah's new forward facing seat! Yeah we moved her a month before her second birthday *gasp*, but I think we did pretty good making it this long in her infant seat. Her head was reaching the top and I believe this new seat is now safer. And she LOVES facing forward in her "big girl seat"
 We were supposed to start a Discovery Class today at the KidsQuest museum, but they canceled it due to the teacher being sick. Darn it we were looking forward to it.  We haven't done any classes since last spring when we did Gymboree and swimming.  So hopefully this class will be fun. 

Anyway, back to Costco talk.  I really have to get motivated to head to Costco with Leah by myself.  I just imagine a horrible melt down in the middle of the warehouse and having to leave without any groceries and carry her out kicking and screaming (this has happened before). But I think I am getting better about finding things to distract Leah with while she is strapped in a shopping cart.  First up - a bag of raisins. Took her a while to eat those - success!  Then once those were gone, I whipped out my iphone (love the instant internet access in situations like these) and she watched Shirley Temple videos. She LOVES her, it is really cute, she likes to try to dance around like her. 
Daddy showing Leah Shirley Temple videos :)
So it was a pretty successful trip. Even though Leah was being good, I still didn't push my luck!  But I got everything I went in for.
I found these little individual cups of hummus at Costco and Leah ate the whole thing along with a bunch of mini carrots!
I am so lucky that this girl loves her veggies!
Tomorrow is Friday already, woohoo!


  1. love your new car and her big girl car seat! i fund the forward facing seats to be SO much easier to use than the carriers.

  2. Leah is such a cutie!

    I love Costco runs! I always enjoy their samples and discovering something new that I just "have" to have. ;)

  3. Oh those hummas cups would be a great idea for a work snack for me! I'll put it on my list!

  4. How cute that she loves Shirley Temple videos! Melt my heart!

    And I TOTALLY get the meltdown thing. We have meltdowns before we even get INTO the car :)
