Mar 30, 2013

Neighborhood Egg Hunt

This morning was our neighborhood egg hunt! Last year little Leah got practically trampled by the big kids and ended up with one lone egg. This year she was older and much more prepared. And also Dustin had a plan to pick her up and run her past some of the big kids so she would stand a chance! :-)

They had the Easter bunny there for photo ops. Leah wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with him, ha! So I took Carter over for a pic. He was just staring at him it was so cute.

Getting a good spot at the starting line
Lots of kids! And this was only the 0-6 year old age group!
Daddy giving Leah some pointers.
Attempt at a picture...Carter wasn't in the mood
Bubbles from one of her eggs!
Leah had lots of fun this year
Pretty cherry blossoms
The best pic out of like 20 that I took :-) I wish Carter was looking up!
We can't wait for another egg hunt and festivities tomorrow!!


  1. I love that picture too!! You have gorgeous children Kristin :)
    I said it on IG but I have to say it again...Leah looks just like you in this pic!!
    The neighbourhood egg hunt sounds like a whole lot of fun and I love how your husband picked Leah up to run past the bigger kids :)
    Lovely picture of the tree too, so pretty!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend xo

  2. Great pictures - I can't believe the age group is 0-6. Taylor went to one on Saturday and her age group was 0-2. She only got three eggs but that's because she was easily distracted. HA.

    Love how sunny it is in your pictures. Great day for an egg hunt!

  3. Awww they really are some cuties! Leah is such a beautiful little girl and Carter is so handsome!
