Jun 21, 2011

First Day of Summer

Happy First Day of Summer!  The weather today didn't disappoint!  Upper 70s!

So first of all, I wanted to share about the teaser I posted a few days ago about having some things in the works. Well, we have been looking to buy a new house with the plan to rent out our condo since we are unable to sell it.  We found a house in a neighborhood that we fell in love with that was in our price range. We were preparing to make an offer today, but we found out that they just accepted another offer.  I was really upset, because I saw us living in that house and let myself get emotionally invested too soon. I know that is silly to do, but it was the exact type of house that we want.  Now I am hoping that we will be able to find another one that I can see us in (I am really picky :).  So that is a bummer for now, but all we can do is keep looking. Darn this stupid economy! We thought we were being so responsible buying a condo 8 years ago.  NEVER did we think we would be stuck here for this long. It is frustrating and upsetting when we think about it, but we need to stay positive.  I was hoping to have a fun surprise about being a new homeowner, but who knows, maybe we will find another place soon.

Until then, we will continue to enjoy our pool at our condo complex!

Here is what we did this afternoon!

Hooray for the weather finally getting better! Who am I kidding, though? It will probably rain tomorrow....BUT, it got me excited for the summer and I actually got the beginnings of a tan today :)


  1. Sorry to hear you didn't get that house. I'm sure a better one will show itself soon :) Glad you guys get to enjoy that pool though this summer- we had one at our last place and I miss it!

  2. That is disappointing about the house, but maybe you'll find another one that you love even more. And yay for summer weather! Take it while it lasts! :)

  3. It's the first day of summer and it was in the 70s?! I need to move to Seatlle. It is 98 degrees down here (feels like 103). I'm dying!
