Jul 23, 2011

Date Night!

Tonight we went out to celebrate Dustin's birthday at Palisades Restaurant. It is one of our favorite restaurants, mostly because that is where we got engaged 4 1/2 years ago, awwwww! ;-)

We have been there several times, but not in a few years. And I think this was the first time we have come early enough to really be able to see and enjoy the view! I was lucky enough to reserve a table right by the window, and the view is AMAZING!

They have such a cool front entrance, with fish swimming around under the walkways.

Card and flowers from the restaurant

The view from our table

Another shot out our window with Mt. Rainier in the background.

Pomegranate raspberry mojito, yum!

Relaxing in the sun after dinner

Strolling through the marina

 After dinner we took a long walk around the marina. Such a perfect day!


  1. Darling pictures of you too!! I adoreeeee Maggie Bluffs next door :)

  2. Oh I love Palisades! So yummy and the view is just unbeatable! Great date night!!

  3. It looks beautiful! What a lovely date!
