Jul 23, 2011

West Seattle Parade

So I guess I just needed to vent about the weather and being bored a bit for us to all of a sudden have 80 degrees and lots of fun activities! :)

This morning we did a family photo shoot down on the beach. I can't wait to see how the pics turn out!!  After that we got some lunch and went to watch the parade. Leah really liked the bands and dancers, but HATED the loud fire trucks and the Seafair Pirates who have a cannon that they shoot off. It is really loud and she started crying :( But anyway, it was fun to take my family to this parade since I grew up in West Seattle. We went to watch every year and several times I was IN the parade with different dance groups or with the community center!

Here are some pics from today!

Eating lunch, nom nom

Excited for the parade to start

Dancing to the band music

What's coming next?

Scared of the pirates :(
Such a fun summer day!  Tonight Dustin and I are going to dinner just the two of us to celebrate his birthday which is tomorrow!


  1. Aw! Can't wait to see the family beach pics! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Over here it's stinking hot! Heat index of 120, yikes!

  2. Those pirates were just awful! So fun seeing you lovelies for a bit.
