Mar 3, 2012

Cat in the Hat Day

Yesterday my sister in law invited me and Leah to family day at her work, which is Microsoft.  It was Cat in the Hat themed.  There were so many fun activities for kids.  And I guess they do events like this every month!  Working at Microsoft = millions of amazing perks!!

First fun thing - a bouncy house! Two times in one week, Leah is a lucky girl! We got there early so she was the only kid there!

Then they also had a caricaturist that wanted to draw Leah.  Trying to get her to sit still and look up was nearly impossible but he was able to see enough to do a cute drawing.

Next activity - make your own pizzas to take home!  Leah loved this.

They also had little games set up and Leah won a few prizes. :-)  And lastly, we had to get a picture with the Cat in the Hat.  As you can probably tell, Leah was a bit terrified. :-)

It was a fun morning!  Thanks Esther for inviting us!

So for today's photo challenge I am going to cheat a bit and use a picture I took when we first moved into our house in the fall.  The trees and everything were so much more pretty in the fall then now.

3. Your neighborhood
This is a picture coming into our neighborhood.  Like I have said a bunch of times, we LOVE this neighborhood.  Lots of parks, playgrounds, trails, families.  It is great. We can't wait for our first summer here with all the outside activities in the neighborhood and also we will take advantage of the backyard that we finally have!!

1 comment:

  1. haha that's where I work! Too funny - I probably walked right by you guys!
