Mar 9, 2012

Photo Challenge Days 8 & 9

8. Window
This picture is taken from my kitchen window (in the evening) and zoomed in a little so sorry it's a little blurry.  I am super excited to discover a bunch of daffodils popping up all along my yard!  We moved into our house in the fall so we don't really know what we have in our yard yet.  Springtime flowers make me happy :-)

9. Red
Here is Leah eating a strawberry *red* popsicle that I made for her.  Poor thing has been sick with a fever and runny nose for the last few days. It has been hard to get her to eat normal foods but she loved this as you can see.  Popsicles are so easy to make and taste so much better than the store bought ones!

Also I wanted to share my blog book!  Every now and then I freak out that maybe my blog will get deleted by accident and I will lose all of my posts that I spent so much time on.  This blog is essentially my family diary/baby book and I love looking back on my previous posts.  SO, I decided to order a copy of it!  It was quite a bit more pricey than I would have liked, but in the long run will be worth it. 

 I have been so excited since receiving it in the mail and am loving looking through it. The pictures and everything are really good quality. I recommend ordering one if you haven't already!


  1. Love the pics! I keep meaning to do a blog book but I never get around to it. Looks like I need to change that! Have a great Saturday!

  2. What a brilliant idea!! I never knew you could do that?!
    Leah is so cute Kristin, I hope you are feeling well xo

  3. Where did you go to get your blog book made?? I want one too!!

  4. Hooray! Glad it came and you are loving it. They are awesome! :)

  5. That is SO smart you did a blog book, I love it! I bought two Groupons for a photobook so now I just actually have to do it! And I hope Miss Leah feels better soon.
