Mar 15, 2012

Photo Challenge Catch up

Oh my gosh I am soooo behind on this! Is it cheating if I put a bunch of days all in one post?? Oh well!!

10.  Loud
Dustin watches Supercross every Saturday night and sometimes I wish he would mute it :)
11. Someone you talked to today
This picture was in the lobby of the pediatrician's office.  I finally took her yesterday because even though her fever went down and she was a little more active, she was just acting super fussy and wouldn't let me put her down. So I wanted to make sure it wasn't something like an ear infection that I couldn't see.  Turns out she is just fine and getting over a regular cold! Glad I know for sure now!
 12. Fork
Leah always asks for her Elmo fork!
 13. A sign
We just put up this sign on our front door because we are hosting a St. Patrick's Day playgroup tomorrow!
 14. Clouds
This one was easy. All we've been seeing are clouds lately, sigh...
 15. Car
I have had my Honda CRV for a few months now and LOVE it!
16. Sunglasses
I got these cute sunglasses to put in Leah's Easter basket!
Phew now I am caught up :-) 
Ugh it has been sooooo dark and dreary in Seattle the last few days!  Rain, rain, GO AWAY!


  1. Cute glasses, I love how you make an Easter basket for her!! I plan on putting more gifts and less chocolate in the kids baskets this year, I'm not sure about the US but Easter eggs have gotten so expensive over here!!

  2. Yesterday's weather was insane!! I don't think I have ever seen it rain that hard...

  3. I love the rain, wish we would get some here... Your blog book came out really awesome! Where did you order it from? I've considered doing it many times.
