Mar 13, 2012


Wow I feel like lots has happened since my last post!  I don't even know where I'm at on the photo challenge, I will have to catch up on that later!

First of all, Leah continued to be sick through the weekend with an off and on fever, runny nose, cough, lethargic, and no appetite.  Her fever went down every day, she was still drinking liquids, and never complained of anywhere hurting so we held off on a trip to the doctor. She hasn't had a fever now since Sunday but still isn't quite herself. Today she slept in until 11:30am and she asked to take a nap again around 3.  She must be still fighting something off!  I HATE to see her sick but she has been handling it well (and gotten to watch A LOT of cartoons and drink A LOT of juice, two things she doesn't usually get every day.) 
She took some time to sweep the stairs though :)
Saturday I got some Mommy time.  I had a hair appt in the morning and then went to lunch with my friend Kim.  After that I went to a few stores just taking my time browsing. It was nice!  And while I was shopping I saw this poster -
Check out the girl on the left :)
The Seahawks have these posters up all over our area!  I was pretty pumped to see myself in an advertisement since I haven't been on the team for four years!  As a now pregnant lady & mommy of a two year old, this gave me a little boost for the day :-)

Sunday we didn't do much since Leah still wasn't feeling well.  My mother in law came over for a quick visit, but Leah wasn't acting very social so she didn't stay long.  Leah has been SUPER clingy to me the last week, wanting to be carried around and held all the time.  It makes me nervous for when I have a newborn that actually needs to be held all day, and if Leah is wanting to be held at the same time, it will be hard!

Monday was our 'big' ultrasound! I was sooooo nervous, mostly just to make sure everything is on track and that baby is healthy!  The baby is perfect and sorry but I can't share the big gender news just yet since all of our family doesn't know yet!  Hopefully soon! :-)

This morning as I said Leah slept really late so we missed our swimming lessons.  Probably better anyway since she is still getting over being sick, I think she needed another day to just rest. And also, we woke up to this -
More snow!  Leah kept asking to go outside to play in it, so we bundled up and went out for just like 20 minutes or so.

I couldn't find her sand shovel & bucket so we improvised with some tupperware :)
Well I am hoping that by tomorrow Leah is back to normal and we can get back to some fun playdates and outings!  And this weather is just bizarre, I am ready for SUMMER!!


  1. Summer must be a little ways off if you woke up to that! I hope Leah is 100% better in no time, poor little thing. It's not nice seeing them so sick :(
    Hope you're keeping well, you must be so excited seeing you know the gender!
    Have a happy day!!

  2. You're so famous. I think it's so cool that I'm blog buddies with an ex NFL cheerleader. And I'm not being sarcastic. I think it rocks!

  3. I can't get over this snow, this weather in general is just killing me! And seriously that is too cool you get to say you were a NFL cheerleader. I would drop that into every sentence I could! Can't wait to find out the gender - do you have any initial thoughts?
