Mar 6, 2012

Water Babies

Last week Leah started swimming lessons with her friends Ethan and Emma.  It is a parent/child class so I get to go in with her and we work on things like kicking your legs, backfloat, blowing bubbles, etc. She is having fun, although the pool is also used for high school swim team so is kept a little cooler then we'd like.  Today we woke up to a little snow on the ground and it was coming down pretty hard for a few hours this morning.  It was hard to get motivated to put on swimming suits when it was so cold outside! 
Walking into swimming lessons. It was still lightly snowing at this point. Brrrr!
Look at these three cuties!!

Photo Challenge Day #6
This pic from my phone is a little blurry.  This is what we are usually doing at 5pm. Dinner is on the stove (or in oven) and while I am trying to prepare it, Leah is running around like a hungry wild woman :-)  Sometimes she plays nicely on her own but most of the time she is making messes, opening cabinets and pulling everything out, wanting me to pick her up, etc.  This isn't my favorite time of day and I am counting down until Daddy gets home. :-)


  1. I love the adorable swimming trio! Eeeee!

  2. Oh your Leah is too cute!! Little girls are so much fun! ~Andrea

  3. Love that is a water baby already! That snow was so crazy - and I hear tomorrow its supposed to be 60! Oh Seattle, can't make up it's mind! winter or spring...
