Mar 23, 2012

Photo Challenge Catch up, again!

OK so I am not being very good about posting a photo every day, but I am adamant on completing a whole month so here are a few more days that I have missed!

18. A corner of your home
This is Leah's favorite spot lately! She loves to do projects and have her snacks at her little table.
19. Funny
Leah and her friend Madeline were both standing on a stool drinking their water, it looked really silly.
21. Delicious
My friend made this yummy bean salad so I had her give me the recipe. It is sooo good!
22. Kitchen Sink
I have always wanted a window behind my kitchen sink! I love to look outside and also have a little ledge to put decorative things.
23. Moon
Leah is currently obsessed with this nursery rhymes book!

Happy Friday everyone! It is sunny in Seattle (45 degrees but sunny nonetheless!) and I am going to see the Hunger Games tonight! Yay!


  1. I am doing this too. I have yet to post any on my blog though, ha. That should be one big post when march is over :) Yay for you keeping up :)

  2. You are doing way better at this than I am. I stopped after day 6 or 7 because I completely forgot. Cute pics!

  3. I THOUGHT about doing this and then quit. I think it's better to let it build up and then post them though. That way we have more than one picture to look at at a time. :)
