May 17, 2011

Some New Favorite Things

Since I don't really have any post-worthy things to blog about today I thought I would share a few new fav things!
*First up - Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches in mint flavor! Ice cream is my favorite treat but I don't usually buy it because if it's in the house, I will eat it!  These are individual servings which is better.  They are so delicious and refreshing and only 140 calories!

*I love my new reusable cold beverage cup! Only $4.99 at the grocery store!!  AND Starbucks gives a small discount for bringing your own cup. Nice!

*Since it is getting warmer out (slowly but surely here in Seattle) I have been really loving this wine lately.  So light and refreshing.

*I don't watch very much TV but I LOVE my Real Housewives shows that I DVR and watch while Leah naps!
My two favorites - 
Real Housewives of Orange County

And the Real Housewives of New York City

Those shows are such juicy, ridiculous, over the top drama that I am so very entertained by! 

*A few weeks ago I started a Boot Camp class at the YMCA. It is AMAZING! So hard that every time I go I feel like jello the rest of the day, and am sore for a few days following!  But that means it must be doing something! So taking that class combined with running a few times per week, I am feeling great (and just in time for my 30th birthday in July, yikes!!).

*And my very favorite thing in the whole world.....
This face!!!!!!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far!  The weather might actually get up to 70 degrees this week, wahoo!!


  1. I need to try that skinny cow ice cream. I have been in the mood for ice cream these past couple weeks and having been indulging way to much- this would be the perfect compromise :)

  2. We just found Barefoot Moscato. Mmmm... so good. I have decided I should have a glass every night after the girls go to bed. ;)
