May 22, 2011

West Seattle 5K!

This morning I ran in my 2nd 5K race of the year.  Hopefully there will be several more this summer, I swear they are addicting!

I ran this race with my good friend Sheri.  This was her first ever 5K race and she did SO well!!  I was kind of nervous that we would want to run at different paces since we have never run together before today.  But we ran at pretty much the same pace, which was great!  And we ran the whole time with no stopping and finished out at about 36 minutes! Not bad for beginning runners! Just gives us the goal of improving our time in the future!

The weather also turned out perfect for running - mostly cloudy at first with the sun popping through at the beginning of the race, but still cool enough not to be hot.  I was glad that it didn't rain like the forecast predicted.

Me and Sheri after the race - Like the bright orange race shirts?? Haha!!

Our hubbies brought the babies to cheer us on. It was great to have them there!

Woohoo, we did great!

We stayed and played at Alki for awhile after the race -

When we got home we all took a nap, ate lunch, and then went for a family walk which ended at McDonald's where Leah played and Mommy and Daddy got ice cream cones (What??.... I ran a race today...I deserved it! ;).

Fun day and weekend but I am definitely exhausted!


  1. Congrats to you both! And it looks like you had some nice sunshine for the run!

  2. Fun! I'm trying to find a 5k to do. My husband and I aren't runners, but we would love to have a goal in mind to train for!

  3. Congrats on a great race! I need to find a local 5k to run in too, it's a great idea for keeping me motivated to run!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - you've got a new follower now :-)
