Sep 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend - Part 2

Monday morning I got up with Leah and let Dustin sleep in. I am SUCH a nice wife! ;-)  And I made this for breakfast - Scrambled eggs, orange rolls (no not from scratch....) and strawberries!
After breakfast we may or may not have gone to drive by our new house, hehe :-)  And we stopped at a big park in the neighborhood. 

Lil' miss snuck a quick sip of my coffee!  Oops!

Trying to get Leah over her fear of slides! She is usually fine if we are holding on to her.
Monday night we went to visit with my Grandpa for awhile. He lives in my childhood house so it's fun to see Leah playing in the backyard.
She insisted on bringing her Elmo doll :)

Dustin had the day off on Tuesday as well so we went out to breakfast and then to the zoo!  Leah loves it there so much and always gets so worn out!

Tonight we barbecued for dinner and had fun giving Leah a bath together and blowing LOTS of bubbles! :)
This has seemed like such a long weekend!  But it has been busy and fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day! :) I made my hubby breakfast on Monday too. Pancakes with strawberries, eggs and bacon. This is a huge accomplishment for me!
