Sep 1, 2011

September = Moving Month!

It's September! Let the countdown to moving day begin!!  We officially get the keys on the 18th, so that is the date I am using for the countdown even though we won't be doing our main moving day until the 24th.  AND we are starting to get some responses to our ad for renting our condo out, so, yay!  :-)  I apologize in advance for any obsessive talking about our new house and my anticipation this month but I have been waiting 8 years (that is how long we have been in this condo) to have a house and I am just still overly excited that it is finally happening!
Leah has been LOVING this little baby stroller. My friend (thanks Amy!) who has a 3 year old had a couple of these strollers accumulated so donated one to Leah! She has been pushing it around the house for 2 days straight!

So, a lot of my friends are all a little overly excited for fall to start. Don't get me wrong, I like pumpkin spice candles and beautifully colored leaves too...but...... First of all, it is September, which does NOT equal fall. At least not until the 23rd (yep it's the 23rd this year)! So whoa there people, we have about 22 more days of SUMMER left, so back off and let me enjoy!!  And to my fellow Seattleites - I am ashamed of you, wishing away summer when we got such a lousy one! Just wait until it is day after day after day after day, etc. of RAIN and you will all be complaining!!!!  Vent over :-)

This picture makes it look like Leah actually enjoys brushing her teeth! It is a nightly wrestling match! And how cute does she look in her new Elmo jammies?? :)

The weather is nice here and is supposed to be in the 80's this weekend and next week. So someone hand me my sunnies and a margarita and say "Cheers" to summer!!  :-)


  1. Looks like you have a lot going on in the next month! Hope everything goes smoothly for you and tell us all about your new place!! :)

  2. I admit I'm totally guilty of wanting fall to come now! I am so sick of it being 100 degrees everyday here! I'm always excited for the next season though....give it 2 months and it will be all about Christmas/winter!

  3. I'm so excited for you guys. ANY, I refuse to look at anything fall related since we are just now having the most perfect weather!

  4. That's so exciting! Can't wait to see pictures of the new place!
