Oct 11, 2011

When it Rains it Pours

Literally. Today it has been pouring down rain all day long.  Dark and dreary fall day.

To go along with the weather, a few sad things have happened over the last few days. Just a warning, this is a depressing post, read at your own risk.

Our kitty Tiger was not snapping out of his anxiety from the move, so I finally broke down and took him to the vet today.  He has been hiding for the last 2 weeks, hasn't eaten anything so lost 5 lbs, and has been having accidents in his hiding spots. For the last week we have been giving him water with a syringe and even tried buying a cat pheromone spray to help ease his stress.  So anyway, first thing the vet notices is that he is severely anemic.  His lethargic condition has mostly to do with that then stress.  And obviously lack of nutrients from not eating.  There are several things that could be causing the anemia with the most likely cause being leukemia.  :(  The only way to know for sure would be to run several blood tests costing several hundred dollars, and the results could be inconclusive or prove that he has a life threatening disease in which treatment could be thousands of dollars.  Instead of all the testing, we decided to put him on a dose of prednisone and antibiotics to get the anemia under control and see if it makes him better and increases his appetite. ANYWAY this is really sad news.  I will keep you all updated on any progress.

Also, Dustin's aunt (my mother in law's sister) passed away suddenly yesterday.  Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers, especially Dustin's grandmother who is having to deal with what I can only imagine would be the hardest thing in the world - the loss of a child. 

So anyway, again sorry this is such a sad post.  Amidst all of the fun and exciting things going on for us right now, because of these few things I am feeling down.  :(


  1. Oh no! I am so sorry about your cat and husbands aunt. That is so difficult and I really hope your kitty is okay. I wish there were something I could do but all I have to offer is love and support. If you need to talk/vent to anyone- well, I'm sure you have your hubby and family but if you need someone else then I am here. :)

  2. So sorry to read this Kristin. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I would be happy to bring over some pumpkin bread this weekend. xo
